They may be rock sculptures, but they don't stay up long. I'm only showing you the one at City Ave. & Conshohocken State Road. Guess it just fell over. Like the one in Radnor Park and Penn Medicine at Radnor and the small one at the Wynnewood Train Station. Amazing how unstable these sculptures are. Even cementing them to the ground and cementing the rocks to each other doesn't keep them intact. But I have dogged persistence. I return again and again and again, etc.. etc., etc. and restore them. (Madness? Of course.)
The City Ave. sculpture that Richie and I spent so much time making secure with wedges and cement, I rebuilt rapidly with no cement. Geh gesind. The cop who was parked in the deserted station's lot didn't even get out of his car to check on me. He probably said to himself, "Oh, it's just that mad, rock sculpture guy, again". 
Well, there're two photos of the Radnor Park finished sculptures, one old (last week) and the one I did today, in the middle of the day in this horrendous heat and humidity (mad I tell you, mad!).
I also checked out the sculpture at the abandoned gas station on Belmont Ave. It was pretty much intact, even though the construction people had made a side walk in front of it. I spent most of my time weeding the area around it so people could see it. Two nice folk stopped and told me how much they like the sculptures. Bless them, as I was thinking that this was truly a waste of time (as well as making me mad).
Well, the pitiful sculpture at the Montgomery Ave. island is gone. If you missed it, you didn't miss much. I knew the Bala Cynwyd Civic Assoc. would re-claim that plot, and didn't put a great effort into making a grand display. The small flower garden looks quite nice (though it would certainly look better with a rock sculpture smack in the middle of it, heh,heh).
I have been enjoying your sculptures for years! Just got the word on who you are thru a local teen's blog, who outed you very nicely in the Bala Cynwyd Patch.
ReplyDeleteIn a way, I enjoyed the mystery of not knowing anything about the pieces, but it is good to be able to express appreciation for your fine work.